Putting America first and keeping America safe...


USGIA Operations Command uses state of the art technology that filters down target information quickly removing non-relevant data from relevant data.


U.S. Gang intelligence specializes in real-time human intelligence gathering to identify, acquire and analyze priorty threats to prevent MVRA's on U.S. soil.


U.S. Gang Intelligence helps federal, state and local law enforcement access fuid, real-time streaming information for investigation speed and accuracy.

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Digital data intelligence designed for investigative speed and accuracy.


Priority Intelligence Update





U.S. Gang Intelligence has placed infiltration and intelligence gathering of Organized Crime Groups, individuals, companies and corrupt officals on its task force priority division. The specialized task force will target, gather and analyze critical HUMIT and DIGIT data to help local, state, federal and international law enforcement.





As fentanyl continues to make its way into the United States through Mexico and Canada, the need to target those responsible and take action to prevent the illegal manufacture and distribution of fentanyl is a USGIA priority. A specialized unit will now be responsible for disseminating critical intelligence to all law enforcement.





As more groups emerge and engage in drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling, extortion, money laundering, fraud, and other illegal activities, they seek out and obtain the assistance of pubic officials entrusted by the people to protect them. Local, state and federal agencies rely on actional intel directed at these groups and corruption.

What we do

Intelligence Gathering

We focus on accurate data collection, analysis, risk assessment, operational planning, predictive analysis, cross-agency collaboration and counterintel.

RICO Prosecution Analysis

Our intel identifies criminal enterprises, establishes a pattern of criminal activity, proves continuity, identifies key individuals, evidence and more.

Foreign & Domestic Nexus

We target organziations that traffic humans, drugs, weapons, violence or cyber, operate domestically or network/move illegally across countries. 

Risk/Danger Assessment

Assessing the threats posed by a criminal organization requires understanding the impact of their activities on society, the economy and national security. 

Federal/State Task Forces 

Combating criminal organizations requires team work. We bring the intelligence and resources to local, state and federal agencies by creating task force initiatives. 

Digital Forensics

We take evidence gathering to a whole new level with premier data collection, preservation, cyber, mobile and network forensics that are state of the art. 


Intelligence Sharing

We share enhanced situational awareness, domestic/foreign threats, national security, terrorism, counterintel, cyber and any other MVRA. 

Community Intervention

Educating key community figures involves engagement, education & awareness, youth programs, economics, policing, info sharing, victim support and more.

Training & Education

We train local, state and federal partners in advanced technology, assessment & prevention, crisis & response, financial crimes, cyber and more.


"Great technology coupled with outstanding dedication, drive and commitment to excellence, are just a few of the elements that make up the USGIA!"  - A. Martinez, Director OPCOM




Putting together Task Force Units with local, state, and federal law enforcement in a synergistic alliance against organized crime using cutting-edge technology and human intelligence to neutralizing threats and foster a more secure nation.

Training & Development


Training and development, fosters a unified front with local, state, and federal law enforcement. U.S. Gang Intelligence strives to equip law enforcement with advanced skills in intelligence gathering and analysis, enhancing their ability to combat organized crime to make America safer.

Social Media Intelligence


Through cutting-edge technology and techniques, Social Media Intelligence analyzes digital footprints to identify and preemptively address organize crime activities to keep communities safe and stay ahead of evolving threats against America.


Identify, Analyze, Confirm and Respond!  


A Safer America

Securing Tomorrow with Advanced Digital and Human Intelligence Vigilance...


U.S. Gang Intelligence enhances national security efforts by leveraging advanced analytics and technology to gather real-time data on criminal activities. With advanced technology and human intelligence, USGIA can identify patterns, predict potential threats, and facilitate proactive law enforcement measures. Collaborating with federal, state, and local agencies, U.S. Gang Intelligence streamlines information sharing, enables swift responses to emerging threats, and empowers targeted interventions. Incorporating U.S. Gang Intelligence fortifies the nation's defenses against organized crime, corruption, deters human & child trafficking, terrorism and a number of other domestic security concerns making America safer and more resilient in the face of evolving challenges.


Immediate Access... Immediate Response!